Oldham County Preschool follows the Oldham County School District's calendar and is in session Monday - Thursday. The morning session begins at 7:30 and ends at 10:30. The afternoon session begins at 11:15 and ends at 2:15. Children do not attend school on Fridays. Preschool staff complete home visits, conferences, trainings, and student planning on Fridays.
School Hours:
- AM Session 7:30-10:30
- PM Session 11:15-2:15
Office Hours:
- School days: 7:30-3:00
- Non-school days: 8:30-3:00
Oldham County Preschool provides bus transportation to and from homes or daycare facilities in Oldham County to school. The buses are designed for preschool children, with built in safety harnesses and a bus monitor. Parents, guardians, or childcare providers must meet the bus, both at pick up and drop off times. Children will not be released from the bus unless the person at the bus stop has been identified by the parents or guardians and is listed on Preschool paperwork as a "Release Person".
To help improve the communication of our bus routes, the Oldham County School District is providing information online via e-Link: https://versatransweb04.tylertech.com/Oldham/elinkrp/Login.aspx
Breakfast is served in the morning session and lunch is served in the afternoon session. Mealtime is an important part of the learning process; providing students with opportunities to develop appropriate mealtime manners, conversation skills as well as to broaden the students' food preferences. Meals are served family style with the classroom staff. Please be sure to share any food allergy information with your child's teacher. Payment can be made weekly or monthly. Checks should be written to Oldham County Preschool. If you pay in cash, please place the money in a sealed envelope and put your child's name on the outside.
- Menus and Nutrition Information
- Oldham County Schools Nutrition Services Website
- Free & Reduced Meal Prices Information & Application
Oldham County Preschool currently has eight classrooms. Each preschool classroom is assigned a Certified Lead Teacher and two assistants.
Children with Disabilities:
Children with disabilities are fully integrated into the program receiving needed services during the school day. Teachers work closely with specialists to provide an appropriate and individualized program for each child. Oldham County Preschool currently employs an ARC Chair/ resource teacher, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.